There was once a little boy of an impish disposition
That made a crooked paper plane with love and conviction
He used all his might and threw that crooked paper plane
The plane it did fly, right through the broken window pane
The boy rushed to the window with hope in his eyes
His only wish for that crooked plane to touch the blue sky
Now past the broken glass and free from it's man made prison
The crooked paper plane set about trying to complete its mission
It flew past majestic buildings, it flew past broken trees
Yet it could not find that extra lift, that extra bit of breeze
It flew undeterred, surveying the curious human land
Filled with houses of concrete and castles made of sand
Alas, that crooked paper plane was running out of time
With gravity now keen to meet it and the absence of sunshine
It searched the vast earth for a final resting place
And landed on a nearby pyre with the utmost of grace
That crooked paper plane finally gave up on the boy's hope
The burning fire devoured it and left but ashes and smoke
But finally that smoke emerged and began its ascend high
That crooked paper plane and boy did finally touch the sky
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